Q: Is there a fee for use of the CDMP?
A: There is no fee for the Internet version of the CDMP. Additionally, the paper-and-pencil version (in English and in Hebrew) can be also obtained for research and counseling purposes without any fee, by writing directly to
Q: Can I use the CDMP for a masters or doctoral thesis?
A: Yes, write directly to
Q: How can I use the CDMP for research?
A: Previous research on career decision-making style have focused on differences in style between people, using the “dominant” style approach (e.g., rational, intuitive, dependent, Harren, 1979). The CDMP, which makes it possible to describe individuals in terms of a multidimensional profile, allows researchers to investigate the relations between individuals’ cdm profile and various career-related variables (e.g., career decision-making self-efficacy, career decision-making difficulties), as well as various career-related personality variables (e.g., MBTI, Big Five), in a more sophisticated and refined way. For example, it allows us to investigate whether some dimensions, such as personality traits, are more stable than others.
Q: How can I use the CDMP to provide better service for my clients?
A: The CDMP helps counselors assess their clients' career decision-making profile from the beginning of the intervention. This information may be used to better tailor the intervention to the client's particular profile.


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