List of Publications (and Abstracts) on the CDDQ (updated January 2014)

Research Related to the CDDQ

Albion, M. J. (2000). Career decision making difficulties of adolescent boys and girls. Australian Journal of Career Development, 9, 2, 14-19.


Albion, M. J., & Fogarty, G.J. (2002). Factors influencing career decision making in adolescents and adult. Journal of Career Assessment. 10, 91-126.


Albion, M. J., & Fogarty, G.J. (2005). Career decision making for young elite athletes: Are we ahead on points?. Australian Journal of Career Development. 14(1), 51-62.


Amir, T., & Gati, I. (2006). Facets of career decision-making difficulties. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 34, 483-503.

Amir, T., Gati, I., Kleiman, T., & Saada, T. (2004). Using the Internet to diagnose high school students' career-related decision-making difficulties. Hayiutz Hachinuchi, 13, 189-216 (In Hebrew).

Amir, T., Gati, I., & Kleiman, T. (2008). Understanding and Interpreting career decision-making difficulties. Journal of Career Assessment. 16 , 281 - 309.


Arulmani, G., & Nag-Arulmani, S. (2006). Work Orientations and Responses to Career Choices - Indian Regional Survey (WORCC-IRS). Draft Report for discussion at the National Consultation on Career Psychology (NCCP) ,6th and 7th January 2006 ,Whitefield, Bangalore, India.


Creed, P. A., & Yin, W. O. (2006). Reliability and Validity of a Chinese Version of the Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 6, 47-63.


Di Fabio, A., & Kenny, M. E. (2011). Promoting Emotional Intelligence and Career Decision Making Among Italian High School Students. Journal of Career Assessment, 6, 47-63.


Di Fabio, A., & Palazzeschi, L. (2009). Emotional intelligence, personality traits and career decision difficulties. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 9, 135-146.


Di Fabio, A., & Palazzeschi, L. (2012). Incremental variance of the core self-evaluation construct compared to fluid intelligence and personality traits in aspects of decision-making. Personality and Individual Differences53, 196-201.


Di Fabio, A., Palazzeschi, L., & Asulin-Peretz, L. (2012). Career Indecision Versus Indecisiveness: Associations With Personality Traits and Emotional Intelligence. Journal of Career Assessment, 21, 42-56. doi: 10.1177/1069072712454698  

Di Fabio, A., Palazzeschi, L., & Bar On, R. (2012). The role of personality traits, core selfevaluation, and emotional intelligence in career decision making difficulties. Journal of Employment Counseling, 49, 118-129. doi: 10.1002/j.2161-1920.2012.00012.x

Fouad, N., Cotter, W. E., & Kantamneni, N.(2009). The effectiveness of a career decision-making course. Journal of Career Assessment, 19(1), 21-34.

Fouad, N. A., Guillen, A., Harris-Hodge, E., Henry, C., Novakovic, A., Terry, S., & Kantamneni, N.(2006). Need, Awareness, and Use of Career Services for College Students. Journal of Career Assessment, 14(4), 407-420.


Gaffner, D. C., & Hazler, R. J. (2002). Factors related to indecisiveness and career indecision in undecided college students. Journal of College Student Development, 43, 317-26.

Gati, I. (2008). Career-Decision-making Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ). F. T. L. Leong (Ed.), Encyclopedia of psychology, Volume 3: Career and Vocational Counseling. 1468-1469. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Gati, I., Amir T., & Landman, S. (2010). Career counsellors’ perceptions of the severity of career decision-making difficulties. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 38(4), 393-408.


Gati, I., Krausz, M., & Osipow, S. H. (1996). A taxonomy of difficulties in career decision-making. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 43, 510-526.


Gati, I., Osipow, S. H., Krausz, M., & Saka, N. (2000). Validity of the career decision-making difficulties questionnaire: Counselees' versus career counselors' perceptions. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 56, 99-113.


Gati, I., & Saka, N. (2001a). High school students’ career related decision-making difficulties. Journal of Counseling and Development. 79, 331-340.

Gati, I., & Saka, N. (2001b). Internet-based versus paper-and-pencil assessment: Measuring career decision-making difficulties. Journal of Career Assessment, 9, 397-416.


Gati, I., Saka, N., & Krausz, M. (2001). “Should I use a computer-assisted career guidance system?” It depends on where our career decision-making difficulties lie. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 29, 301-321.

Gati, I., Saka, N., Malka, M., Orenshtein, A., Sharav, D., & Zarihan M. (2001). High school students' career-related decision-making difficulties. Hayiutz Hachinuchi, 10, 11-38. (In Hebrew)


Hijazi, Y., Tatar, M. & Gati, I. (2004). Career decision-making difficulties among Israeli and Palestinian Arab high-school seniors. Professional School Counseling, 8, 64-72.


Kelly, K. R., & Lee, W. C. (2002a). Mapping the domain of career decision problems. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 41, 302-326.

Kleiman, T., & Gati, I. (2004). Challenges of Internet-based assessment: Measuring career decision-making difficulties. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 37, 41-55.


Kleiman, T., Gati, I., Peterson, G., Sampson, J., Reardon, R., & Lenz, J. (2004).  Dysfunctional thinking and difficulties in career decision making.  Journal of Career Assessment, 12, 213-331.


Koumoundourou, G., Tsaousis, I., & Kounenou, K. (2011). Parental influences on Greek adolescents’ career decision making difficulties: The mediating role of core self-evaluations. Journal of Career Assessment, 19, 165–182.

Lancaster, P. L., Rudolph, C., Perkins, S., & Patten, T. (1999). Difficulties in career decision making: A study of the reliability and validity of the career decision difficulties questionnaire. Journal of Career Assessment, 4, 393-413.


Lease, S. H. (2004). Effect of Locus of Control, Work Knowledge, and Mentoring on career decision-making difficulties: Testing the role of race and academic institution. Journal of Career Assessment, 12, 239-254.


Leung, S. A., Hou, Z.-H., Gati, I., & Li, X. (2011). Effects of parental expectations and cultural-values orientation on career decision-making difficulties of Chinese University students. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 78, 11–20.Liu, C. J., Hao, F., & Li, S. (2006). A preliminary report of Career Decision-making Difficulties Questionnaire in a college student sample. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 11, (in Chinese).


Liu, C. J., Hao, F., & Li, S. (2006). Career decision-making difficulties of college students and its relationship with self-efficacy. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 14, 502–506. doi:10.1037/t01482-000


Mau, W. C. (2001). Assessing career decision-making difficulties: A cross-cultural study. Journal of Career Assessment, 9, 353-364.


Mau, W.C. (2004). Cultural dimensions of career decision-making difficulties. The Career Development Quarterly, 53, 67-78.


Morgan, T., & Ness, D. (2003), Career decision making difficulties of first year students. The Canadian Journal of Career Development, 2, 33-37.


Osipow, S. H., & Gati, I. (1998). Construct and concurrent validity of the career decision-making difficulties questionnaire. Journal of Career Assessment, 6, 347-364.


Oztemel, K. (2013). Testing the validity of the emotional and personality-related career decision-making difficulties questionnaire in Turkish culture. Journal of Career Development, 40, 5, 390-407.  doi: 10.1177/0894845312468060


Perţe, A., & Pătroc, D. (2012). Career decision difficulties. The effectiveness of a training program. Romanian Journal of School Psychology, 9, 30-42.

Reese, R. J. & Miller, C. D. (2006). Effects of a university career development course on career decision-making self-efficacy. Journal of Career Assessment, 14, 252–266.

Rui, D., & Li-Rong, L. (2006). A study on Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire for undergraduate students. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 14, 237–239.

Saka, N., Gati, I., & Kelly, K. R. (2008). Emotional and personality-related aspects of career decision-making difficulties. Journal of Career Assessment 16, 403-424.


Sidiropoulou-Dimakakou, D., Mylonas, K.,  Argyropoulou, K., &  Tampouri, S. (2012). Career Decision-making Difficulties, Dysfunctional Thinking and Generalized Self-Efficacy of University Students in Greece. World Journal of Education, 2, 1, 117-130. doi:10.5430/wje.v2n1p117


Slaten, C. D., & Baskin, T. W. (2013). Examining the Impact of Peer and Family Belongingness on the Career Decision-making Difficulties of Young Adults: A Path Analytic Approach. Journal of Career Assessment, 22, 59-74. Doi:10.1177/1069072713487857


Taber, B. J. (2013). Time Perspective and Career Decision-Making Difficulties in Adults. Journal of Career Assessment, 21, 200-209.


Tien, H. L. S. (2001). Career Decision-Making Difficulties Perceived by College Students in Taiwan. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 33(1), 87-98


Tien, H. L. S. (2005). The validation of the career decision making difficulties scale in a Chinese culture. Journal of Career Assessment, 13, 114-127


Vahedi, S., Farrokhi, F., Mahdavi, A., & Moradi, S. (2012). Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry, 7, 2, 74-81.


Zhou, D., & Santos, A. (2007). Career decision-making difficulties of British and Chinese international university students. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 35, 219-235.


In press


Gati, I. & Levin, N. (2014). Counseling for career decision-making difficulties: Measures and methods. Career Development Quarterly.


Unpublished reports


Birle, D., Bonchis, E., Roman, D., & Crisnan, D. (2012). The efficiency of a training program on reducing career decision-making difficulties. Unpublished manuscript, Psychology Department, University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania.


Brown, J. M. (2011). Utilizing a Web-Based Career Development Workshop to Address Career Decision-Making Difficulty Among Community College Distance Learners. Ph.D., Old Dominion University, 124 pages; 3455286.


Farrar, L.C. (2009). Relationships between vocational decision-making styles and career decision-making difficulties of low socio-economic status high school students in residential education. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 70(4-A), 1176 pages.


Ling, L., & Xiu-ying, S. (2010). Analysis on the sandtray characteristics of the College Students' Career Decision Making Difficulty and the inspirations of the sandtray characteristics on career development of college students DOI CNKI:SUN:JYKO.0.2010-06-009


Lyn, P. (2008). The effects of a coaching program on students' career decision-making difficulties. Ed.D., The University of Memphis, 149 pages; 3374773.


Tayler, B. C. (2007). The impact that career guidance counselling has on the level of career indecision in the career decision-making process of late adolescents in Cape Town.


 Quita, C.C. (2012). Career Thoughts and Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Career Decision-Making Difficulties among Freshmen College Students. M.A., Ateneo de Manila University, 11 pages.


Williams, K. (2013). Career decision-making difficulties among high school students: From the perception of career counselors and high school principals. Ph.D., University of La Verne, 171 pages; 3573676.

For further information about the Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire or requests for reprints, please contact Itamar Gati:         or        Fax: +972-2-5882084
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